INSPIRE By Leading.

A generous church has a generous leader.

If you want your people to grow in generosity, you need to set a path for them to follow. You need to live generously, both personally and as a church, and then you need to talk about your generosity. After you cast the vision in a way that creates a desire for the people to accomplish it, you must show people you are in it with them.

If you as a leader are not personally living a generous life, the first step to shifting your church’s culture is by taking your own next steps. Make some changes, take some risks. Experience the transformation of personally giving to the bigger mission in a bold way. Blaze the trail.

People give to what they believe in, and as leaders it is our privilege and responsibility to set the precedent to live generously and inspire others to do the same.


This post is part of our INSPIRE: Series. For more posts on this topic, please visit our Articles page.

Gyve is an online and mobile giving platform on a mission to help churches build a culture of generosity.

The Gyve system meets people where they are in their generosity journey and helps create environments to encourage movement and spark the spiritual growth required to shift the giving perspective.

We are on a mission to help churches create a culture of generosity. Join Us.

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