It’s time for the church to make a perspective shift on money.

not ask for donations.

65% of Americans donate to charitable organizations, yet church financial contributions are on the decline.  People are giving, they just aren’t giving to the local church. Why?

Why are only 20% of church attendees contributing financially to the church, and only 3% giving in relation to their income?  Why are 97% of church attendees giving more to the cable company than the mission of God?

Giving to the church is a biblical teaching.

Why are so many missing the lesson?

The answer could be perspective.

When we focus on simply asking our community for money instead of engaging people to take steps in personal generosity growth, we are perpetuating the issue of a decline in church giving. Instead of passing buckets to maintain momentum, we need to engage with the spirit and start focusing on intentionally helping our members grow in giving, specifically to the local church. We need to create environments to allow people to experience the sense of purpose that occurs through communal giving, and the joy that comes from trusting God with their resources.

We need to shift how we talk about finances and focus on cultivating a culture generosity, instead of collecting contributions. Giving is NOT about fund transfers, giving is about heart-transformation.

Our focus needs to be more about changing the hearts and minds of our participants and congregation and less about reaching our budget or quota. If our message changes how people view money and giving, we will not need to fundraise or campaign.  People will be donating from their personal desire to grow spiritually not from a sense of obligation or guilt.

So how do we change people’s perspective on financial contributions?

First, we need to be transparent and real.  People contribute to what they believe in. This means people need to know about, feel involved with, and be included in the mission they are funding.  Staff salaries, electric bills, and mortgages are necessary, but giving contributions are not supporting plain necessities. Talk instead about the very good and real things being accomplished through your people and in your building.  Take the time to notice the life change occurring within your walls and then be bold enough to include your members in that success.

Simply put, when shifting how you talk about generosity, think “show” not “tell.” We need to show our people what needs, events and activities they are providing funding for and share what would be missing without their contribution. Regular and consistent updates and compelling and tangible accomplishments are needed to generate a connection with their giving.

We need to provide real and compelling reasons why giving to the local church matters to them personally, only then can we combat the decline in local giving and start making a true impact in our communities and around the world for the kingdom.

Gyve is an online and mobile giving platform on a mission to help churches build a culture of generosity.  The Gyve system meets people where they are in their generosity journey and creates environments to encourage movement and spark the spiritual growth required to shift the giving perspective.

We are on a mission to help churches create a culture of generosity.  Join Us.

For more information of how to create a culture of generosity, visit us at

Know how generous your church is today to know how life-changing it can be tomorrow.

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